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Compensation & Benefits Report

world-class industry research & strategic guidance

Maximizing the investment return at your facility through world-class industry research & strategic guidance to help you make informed decisions is a high priority for NGCOA Canada.

It's Compensation Planning Time
Get Your NGCOA Canada Compensation & Benefits Report

Don't begin your budgeting until you ORDER YOUR COPY of the most recent and reliable compensation and benefits data across our industry! 

NGCOA Canada’s Compensation & Benefits Report helps you answer these questions and more. 

With the labour market as tight as it is, now more than ever,
you need the right tools to make critical HR decisions.

The NGOCA Canada’s Compensation & Benefits Report is a one-of-a-kind product offering data collected directly from your peers and competitors on 11 key management positions within the following departments:

  • administration
  • turf & maintenance
  • pro shop
  • food & beverage.

The report, updated every 3 years, is based on a survey of NGCOA Canada members and offers relevant, valuable and timely data across the golf industry to assist you in executing a competitive salary administration program. The data is broken down by:

  • size and type of facility
  • gross revenues
  • tax status
  • geographical region. 

Ensure you have the latest salary and benefits benchmarks 
to attract and retain talented, hardworking and loyal employees.