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NGCOA Canada and CGSA Launch Sustainable Golf Program

NGCOA Canada and CGSA
Launch Sustainable Golf Program

New Initiative Supports the Business of Golf, 
Stewardship of Courses, and Image of the Sport

The National Golf Course Owners Association Canada (NGCOA Canada) and the Canadian Golf Superintendents Association (CGSA) are pleased to announce an important new program which will extend further support and recognition to facilities for sustainability and climate action.

This long-term project is being delivered by the two Canadian associations in collaboration with the GEO Sustainable Golf Foundation, which is the international not-for-profit entirely dedicated to establishing golf as a leader in this field.

Core components of the initiative include:
•    Free provision of GEO’s OnCourse Program for sustainable golf facilities and course management 
•    Access to annual Sustainable Golf Scorecards and Carbon Footprints
•    Communications strategies that spotlight golf’s positive environmental stewardship
•    Creation of a valuable industry data bank to support golf’s positive story
•    Annual awards and internationally accredited certification
•    Aligned strategies, goals and member support from both NGCOA Canada and CGSA 

Jeff Calderwood, CEO of the NGCOA Canada, worked closely with the boards of the NGCOA Canada and CGSA, as well as the GEO Sustainable Golf Foundation, to create this mutually beneficial strategy. 

“The rapid movement in sustainability is fundamentally critical to the future of golf, and in particular the ability to successfully operate golf courses”, stated Calderwood. “This initiative delivers new solutions supporting management efficiency, the popularity of our game throughout Canada, golf’s positive brand, and the long-term profitability of our golf businesses.”
Dustin Zdan, President of the CGSA, added that, ”Climate change and loss of biodiversity are concerns across society and, as land managers, we have an important role to play. This program provides recognition for the stewardship work that our superintendents deliver, while our industry demonstrates to society and governments that golf is an effective environmental leader.” 

The GEO Sustainable Golf Foundation has been supporting golf in more and more countries around the world each year. Jonathan Smith, executive director of GEO, was very supportive of expanding their support in Canada. 
“Congratulations to the NGCOA Canada and CGSA for stepping forward and demonstrating this sustainability commitment. The programs, tools and recognition are purely designed to help facility and association leaders to better review and quantify what they are already doing; to identify areas for further focus; to build more effective communication plans; and to accelerate their profile as a climate conscious community of golf businesses.” Smith added, “We are proud to support both Associations and look forward to celebrating Canadian golf’s positive impacts over the years ahead.”
In parallel to this golf course operations initiative, it should be noted that Golf Canada is also demonstrating leadership by working with partners such as GEO for sustainability programs at the RBC Canadian Open and the CPKC Women’s Open, as well as their own Amateur events. Collectively, the Canadian golf industry is positioning the sport and industry very effectively for the future of sustainability.
Golf course operators and superintendents are advised to watch for further details and participation opportunities being released by both the NGCOA Canada and CGSA.


The NGCOA Canada is a not-for-profit trade association representing the business interests of Canadian golf course operators and related stakeholders, with a membership of over 1400. Key initiatives include the Golf Business Canada Conference & Trade Show, Spring Warm Up Meetings, Golfmax Purchasing Programs, Take A Kid To The Course, Get Golf Ready, GOLFEXPOs, Golfer’s Red Books, Rounds Played Reports, Revenue Tracker, Weather Impact Reports, Compensation & Benefits Reports, Business Consultation, and Government Advocacy.



GEO Foundation is an international not-for-profit dedicated to advancing sustainability and climate action - in and through golf. The Foundation works collaboratively across golf, to help the sport succeed by embracing the modern movement in sustainability. Increasing golf’s resilience and popularity and establishing a leadership position amongst all sports. The Foundation is committed to inspiring, supporting and celebrating the work of a growing community of sustainable golf around the world. Find out more at and @sustainablegolf

Contact: Roddy Williams, Communications Director,